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1. The purpose of the organization

The Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes (CDCP) is a non-profit association that was founded in 1982-1983 by sex workers. In 2004, it registered as ONLUS organisation. It’s main objective is to provide assistance to prostitutes. The Committee organises sensitisation campaigns aimed at raising public awareness over the dignity and rights of sex workers; promoting vocational training courses for the empowerment of women prostitutes and improving their quality of life.
The Committee also acts as an interlocutor with political forces interested in changing the law on prostitution with the following principles: decriminalisation of prostitution, abolition of mandatory health checks and of all kinds of card indexing, the freedom to be a sex worker as lagal worker. the fight against the exploitation and trafficking of human beings coerced into sexual activities, obtain the recognition and the protection of the civil Rights of sex workers demanding the modification of those aspects of legislation which obstruct their complete social inclusion. Since 1986, the Committee’s members have worked on disseminating information campaigns on AIDS and on harm reduction aimed at sex workers in general. In 1995, it started assisting trafficked persons by promoting self-emancipation.

2. Information identifying the programmes and activities and confirmation of the activities:

The Committee has implemented and promoted the TAMPEP methodology right from its first year of creation by realising, assisting and monitoring a wide range of multidisciplinary projects for sex workers in Italy. Recently it conducted a nation-wide research on the new trends in prostitution.
It has carried out mobile street unit interventions with several Municipalities (Venice, Modena Trieste, Pordenone, ecc), the Province of Turin aimed at mapping out the difficulties sex workers encounter and their needs, o promote health prevention measures, implement health prevention methodologies, awareness campaigns over the issue of trafficking, HIV/AIDs and STD prevention among migrant sex workers.
It has also worked with several prestigious institutions such as the Health Ministry during a campaign against the diffusion of HIV/AIDS and is a permanent member of the NFP National Focal Point of AIDS and Mobility observatory board of the National Institute for HIV/AIDS prevention.
It organises training courses for peer educators, cultural mediators, street operators, social and health operators with the objective of raising awareness among social services on intervention methods applied by TAMPEP.
CDCP also serves as a reference point for migrant workers due to the fact that through field work, it analyses different prostitution zones and studies change patterns and migration trends including the legal, social and working conditions of migrant workers.

The Committee also organises seminars on trafficking of human beings at a national and international level in order to promote discussions, an analysis of legislation in favour of migrant sex workers, a comparison of European regulations on the issue. These seminars also serve as a window for new proposals. As an example, in 2004 a four-day conference was held in Gorizia for trans-frontalier NGO’s and public institutions from areas where intense trafficking of human beings has been registered. (INTERREG Program ITALY – SLOVENIA 2000 – 2006. Resolution N.REG. Gen 2004/01833 dd

Other main activities of CDCP include:

Financed by the Dipartimento delle Pari Opportunità – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri since 2000, the project is carried out by the Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes in partnership with the municipalities of Trieste and Pordenone and the respective local health boards – ASS n. 1 “Triestina” of Trieste and ASS 6 “Friuli Occidentale” of Pordenone. The project works in network with other projects in North-east Italy and with the national helpline against trafficking 800 – 290290.
The objectives of the project are:

• Reception of victims of trafficking who decide to abandon prostitution and start a social protection program Support and encourage self determination in sex workers who decide continue sex work

• Prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and abortions and promote the use of contraceptive measures Public meetings on the phenomenon of prostitution in order to promote civil cohabitation against racism and social exclusion which female sex workers often experience.

Activities carried out by the project include:

• Consultancy and accompaniment to local health and social services

• Assisted repatriation in a woman’s country of origin upon her request, with the support of associations present in their country

• Reception of women who, by availing themselves of art. 18 of the immigration law D.L. 286/98, undertake a social protection program and walk out of prostitution. An individualised program, which is decided with the woman, foresees regularisation, schooling, vocational training, job placement and autonomous lodging. The social protection program is completed once complete emancipation is achieved by the woman.

Financed by the Dipartimento delle Pari Opportunità – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri since 2003, the project is carried out by the Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes in partnership with the municipality of Sanremo. It works in network with other projects in North-west Italy and with the national helpline against trafficking 800 – 290290.
The project shares the same objectives of the Stella Polare project which have been described above. FENARETE Project and FENARETE CAMPAIGN: a pilot project realized within the Leonardo da Vinci program aimed at organising professional training courses for peer educators in the field of prostitution through the dissemination of the TAMPEP methodology and its working guidelines.
Accompanying measures 2004-2005. Transfer of innovation code 2004-2598/001-001 LE2-74 SUB
The second step is now being implemented in Hungary and Romania.

3. Board of Directors of CDCP:

Carla Corso, President of the Committee for the civil rights of prostitutes onlus and coordinator of Progetto Stella Polare. Pia Covre, general secretary of the Committee. The Board Directing Committee is made up of 9 members elected by the Assembly of members. The administrative department is composed of a chief administrator and an accountant. The Committee collaborates with a set of professionals such as doctors, psychologists, sociologists, social operators, cultural mediators, peer educators, lawyers and teachers. It liases with national and international human rights associations active in the fight against human trafficking.

4. Membership

Membership is open to all those who share its aims written in the memorandum which comprise cultural activities aimed at orienteering socio-political decisions on the improvement of sex workers conditions.

5. Address:


Contact person : Pia COVRE
